Showing posts with label Daylight Savings Time can suck it. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daylight Savings Time can suck it. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


From the brilliant xkcd:

This comic reminded me of this amazing video which documents google search query results for "biggest regret":

This video is a perfect representation of the class of ideas I like to call "Well, Crap, I'm Never Going To Top THAT One" Ideas. (Much like this t-shirt.) *Sigh*. Because the idea is regret-themed, my regret at not thinking of this first might seem sort of like a meta-regret, but I think meta-regret would require me to regret regretting something, which is not exactly the case. I think what we are looking at here is a pseudo-meta-regret, which is awesome because it fills a square in my latest match of Abstract Construct Solitaire BINGO. (The next square I need involves inventing a situation that would contextualize the concept of "post-handedness").

In case you are wondering, my biggest regret is not realizing that I accidentally stayed late at work today because I had to reset my computer clock in order to illegally extend the license on some expired software. Whoops! [ed note: Zing! I still can't believe that worked! Mwahaha!]

UPDATE: I just realized that the reason I was one hour late by resetting my computer date to 6 months ago is because of daylight savings time! This means that I finally get to reuse my "daylight savings time can suck it" label! Didn't really see that one coming!

Monday, March 10, 2008

NEW FEATURE: Daylight Savings Time can suck it

For some reason this morning I poured myself a giant glass of water for my 10-minute drive to work. I didn't even notice that I had it until I had to balance it on my leftover pastrami benedict (from another successful episode of Sunday Man-brunch) while I fumbled for my keys in my pocket. Now I have a giant glass of water in my car.

Also, on my way to work I forgot how to use my windshield wipers and thus ended up inappropriately signaling for a bunch of left turns that never happened.

Seriously, what's up with Spring Forward? Why can't we just perpetually Fall Back? My time is incredibly valuable (disclaimer: this is a lie). I can't just go losing hours here and there! Evidently this just totally messes me up.